Fifteen years on this product has stood the test of time and been responsible for the capture of thousands of fish which otherwise may have been lost. Quicksilver is braided entirely from the most abrasion resistant fibres in the world.
To boost its toughness even further larger gauge filaments are selected and then tightly woven. When fish drag line over underwater hazards Quicksilver’s dense construction helps prevent premature line failure. Shock leaders are not only for distance, leading anglers who fish the most snag-ridden waters in Europe use this product as a rubbing leader and hook-length for fishing at close range.
Super strength combined with bullet-proof abrasion resistance. This legendary product protects against gravel bars, mussels, flint, lilies, tough abrasive weed and rocky areas.
Superb for carp and cats in severe snaggy swims. Low diameter ensures long cast, bulky leader knots eliminated. Highly acclaimed by the world’s leading carp anglers.
Tried, tested and trusted.
11.4kg 25lb